Jun 2, 2008

Choice of Antimicrobials..

Antimicrobials contraindicated in Children & baby

1. Sulphonamide -------> Kernicterus in newborn
2. Tetracycline
---------> Teeth discoloration & bone deformity 
3. Chloramphenicol
---> Grey-baby syndrome
4. Quinolones
----------> arthropathy ( never used if <18>

In pregnancy

1. Penicillin
2. Cephalosporin
3. Erythromycin --->
especially if the previous are contraindicated or there is urogenital
     chlamydial infection

In gonorrhea

1. Penicillin
2. Ceftiaxone
(single dose)
3. Quinolones
( Ofloxacin & Levofloxacin )
4. Spectinomycin
( single dose )

Urinary Tract Infections

1. Co-Trimoxazole (sulfamethoxazole 400mg + Trimethoprim 80mg)
2. Norfloxacin
3. Amoxicillin
4. Rifampicin

*** UTI : usually caused by Gram -ve bacilli.

Typhoid Fever

1. Amoxicillin
2. Ciprofloxacin
3. Co-trimoxazole
4. Chloramphenicol
(before Ciprofloxacin introduced, not preferred now)
5. Ceftriaxone
(in resistant cases)

Biliary tract infection

1. Cefoperazone
2. Ceftriaxone
3. Doxycycline
4. Rifampicin

*** They're excreted in bile

In Brucellosis

1. Drug of choice : Doxycycline + Rifampicin/Aminoglycosides
2. Alternatives : Chloramphenicol + Aminoglycosides/Co-trimoxazole

In meningitis (as they cross BBB)

1. 3rd & 4th generation Cephalosporin
2. Chloramphenicol
3. Penicillin
-----> crosses BBB only when meninges is inflammed
4. Rifampicin
-----> prophylaxis

For Gram -ve, especially Pseudomonas

1. Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin
2. Ceftriaxone, Cefoperazone, Cefipime ( 3rd & 4th gen Cephalosporin)
3. Quinolones
4. Aztreonam, Imipenem
5. Aminoglycosides

Anerobic infections

1. Clindamycin
2. Cefoxitin
3. Chloramphenicol
4. Imipenem
5. Metronidazole ----> also effective as tissue amebicides, eradicating trophozoites but not the
    cysts. Also, against T.vaginalis, G.lamblia...... also used in therapy of peptic ulcer caused by

Bacterial endocarditis

Gentamycin + Penicillin (or Vancomycin)


1. Vancomycin
2. Rifampicin

Bone infections

1. Cloxacillin  & other penicillinase resistant penicillin
2. Clindamycin
3. Cefazolin, cefoperazone, ceftriaxone
4. Ciprofloxacin
5. Gentamycin, Tobramycin
6. Vancomycin
7. Tobramycin

For penicillinase-producing Staph

1. Cloxacillin & other penicillinase resistant penicillin
2. Cephalosporin
3. Clindamycin
4. Co-Trimoxazole
5. Ciprofloxacin or other Quinolones
6. Erythromycin

Drug-induced Pseudomembranous Colitis

Treatment :
1. Vancomycin
2. Metronidazole
3. Cholestyramine
----> to bind toxin.

***** Causes <------ Clindamycin & broad spectrum antibiotic            
Important drug interactions

1. Enzyme inhibitor : Erythromycin, Chloramphenicol, Quinolones, Isoniazid (INH)
2. Enyme inducer : Rifampicin
3. Tetracycline & Erythromycin -----> increase risk of Digoxin toxicity.

Reference : Lecture Notes in Pharmacology by Professors of Pharmacology, Ain Shams School of Medicine, Cairo.