Jun 2, 2008

Choice of Antimicrobials..

Antimicrobials contraindicated in Children & baby

1. Sulphonamide -------> Kernicterus in newborn
2. Tetracycline
---------> Teeth discoloration & bone deformity 
3. Chloramphenicol
---> Grey-baby syndrome
4. Quinolones
----------> arthropathy ( never used if <18>

In pregnancy

1. Penicillin
2. Cephalosporin
3. Erythromycin --->
especially if the previous are contraindicated or there is urogenital
     chlamydial infection

In gonorrhea

1. Penicillin
2. Ceftiaxone
(single dose)
3. Quinolones
( Ofloxacin & Levofloxacin )
4. Spectinomycin
( single dose )

Urinary Tract Infections

1. Co-Trimoxazole (sulfamethoxazole 400mg + Trimethoprim 80mg)
2. Norfloxacin
3. Amoxicillin
4. Rifampicin

*** UTI : usually caused by Gram -ve bacilli.

Typhoid Fever

1. Amoxicillin
2. Ciprofloxacin
3. Co-trimoxazole
4. Chloramphenicol
(before Ciprofloxacin introduced, not preferred now)
5. Ceftriaxone
(in resistant cases)

Biliary tract infection

1. Cefoperazone
2. Ceftriaxone
3. Doxycycline
4. Rifampicin

*** They're excreted in bile

In Brucellosis

1. Drug of choice : Doxycycline + Rifampicin/Aminoglycosides
2. Alternatives : Chloramphenicol + Aminoglycosides/Co-trimoxazole

In meningitis (as they cross BBB)

1. 3rd & 4th generation Cephalosporin
2. Chloramphenicol
3. Penicillin
-----> crosses BBB only when meninges is inflammed
4. Rifampicin
-----> prophylaxis

For Gram -ve, especially Pseudomonas

1. Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin
2. Ceftriaxone, Cefoperazone, Cefipime ( 3rd & 4th gen Cephalosporin)
3. Quinolones
4. Aztreonam, Imipenem
5. Aminoglycosides

Anerobic infections

1. Clindamycin
2. Cefoxitin
3. Chloramphenicol
4. Imipenem
5. Metronidazole ----> also effective as tissue amebicides, eradicating trophozoites but not the
    cysts. Also, against T.vaginalis, G.lamblia...... also used in therapy of peptic ulcer caused by

Bacterial endocarditis

Gentamycin + Penicillin (or Vancomycin)


1. Vancomycin
2. Rifampicin

Bone infections

1. Cloxacillin  & other penicillinase resistant penicillin
2. Clindamycin
3. Cefazolin, cefoperazone, ceftriaxone
4. Ciprofloxacin
5. Gentamycin, Tobramycin
6. Vancomycin
7. Tobramycin

For penicillinase-producing Staph

1. Cloxacillin & other penicillinase resistant penicillin
2. Cephalosporin
3. Clindamycin
4. Co-Trimoxazole
5. Ciprofloxacin or other Quinolones
6. Erythromycin

Drug-induced Pseudomembranous Colitis

Treatment :
1. Vancomycin
2. Metronidazole
3. Cholestyramine
----> to bind toxin.

***** Causes <------ Clindamycin & broad spectrum antibiotic            
Important drug interactions

1. Enzyme inhibitor : Erythromycin, Chloramphenicol, Quinolones, Isoniazid (INH)
2. Enyme inducer : Rifampicin
3. Tetracycline & Erythromycin -----> increase risk of Digoxin toxicity.

Reference : Lecture Notes in Pharmacology by Professors of Pharmacology, Ain Shams School of Medicine, Cairo.


Yu said...

huhu.. kan best klu ko da siap wat mnemonics utk drugs nih.. huhu.. nway, gudluck~!

Learner said...

haha... nnt kalu ade mase..

Hafzi said...

pergh.. teruskan usaha murni ni.. nk copy ek...

Muhammad Warouq bin Qamar said...

rindu lak nak stadi pharma [tp tanak stadi utk dur..tolong la~~]

tagmi3at yg best~nice job,bro..